Christmas tree decorations

Deciding on a real Christmas tree can be among the most popular Christmas customs. Although the time to go to the farm occurs once per year, it’s an experience that will be remembered for a long time. Don’t opt for a small or scraggly Charlie Brown tree. We’ll show you the best way to choose a Christmas tree that lasts through Christmas!

We’ll also be sharing some of our essential ways to care for the live Christmas tree to ensure that it appears bright and happy, starting the day you bring it home to the time the decorations go into the cellar. When the holiday ends, reuse your Christmas tree to ensure a sustainable and eco-friendly Christmas.

Choose Your Location At Home

“Before you head to the lot or store to pick out this year’s perfect tree, you must be certain where you want to place the tree and the available space. Try to avoid spots near heat sources such as radiators, fireplaces, heating vents and even televisions or sun-drenched windows,” Says Mark Chisholm, an arborist and STIHL spokesperson. “Also try to tuck the tree into a low-traffic area to avoid accidental bumping and possible safety issues. Next, you’ll need to measure the space dimensions you have to work with, bearing in mind that a tree stand will add a few extra inches of height, as will a star or angel to finish top.”

It is recommended to leave at least 6 inches of space between the tree’s branches and ceiling height. If you plan to use a tree topper, you should allow a minimum of 12 inches. If you have a standard top of 8 feet, a 7-foot-tall tree is recommended.

Know What You Want

Every tree differs slightly in its way, so to choose the most appropriate type of Christmas tree for you and your loved ones, it is essential to be sure to select the right tree for the requirements and desires of your family. For instance, if your family has kids, you may choose trees made of pine or trees which have needles with softness instead of spruce trees that have sharp needles which can cause injury when you step on them.

“At the lot, you will see three or four common varieties of trees. Some things to consider when choosing the right type will be the color, shape, and feel of a tree. Some trees are dark green and others have gray or white hues. There are trees with tight branching patterns and then some with more spaces. One thing to remember is that if the tree looks very full while absent of ornaments, it may be difficult to decorate,” Chisholm. Chisholm. “Most trees that end up on a lot have been groomed and sheared to look great during the selection process. Then you get it home and realize that there’s very little space for ornaments. Choosing one with some empty spaces might be a better route. You could also bring a few of your favorite ornaments with you to test at the lot. Also, be sure that the first foot of trunk is straight too, or you’ll have one heck of a time getting it to stand up correctly at home.”

Consider All Angles

Step back five to eight feet, and examine the tree from various angles. Find a thickly branching tree with good shape, color, and scent. The tree’s trunk is supposed to be straight (or almost so) and not apparent by the surrounding foliage.

Check the Tree’s Freshness

First, examine the trunk of your fresh Christmas tree. The tree’s trunk should have some stickiness. Bend a needle halfway using your fingers. The new first should snap. Fresh pines should bend but not break.

To choose the perfect Christmas tree that lasts the longest, grasp the inside of the tree and move your hands toward the tree. The needles should remain in the trees. Instead, tap gently on the cut edge of the tree onto the ground. If some needles are slid off, that is normal. If many hands break off, continue seeking out a different tree.

Certain Christmas trees may change from a deep rich green to a dull gray green when they become too dry. Err on the safe side and keep the “greener is better” mindset.

Freshen the Trunk

When you bring the tree home, ensure that you take care of its trunk. Cut off about a quarter-inch from the base on the trunk of your tree (or request the Christmas tree lot to do it on your behalf). Fresh-cut trees retain more water, meaning your tree can hold its needles and keep its color longer. Set the tree into the water following the cut as soon as you can. While it’s tempting as it might be to set the tree near an open flame, be aware that sources of heat, such as the heating vent, will make your tree dry out more quickly. Put your Christmas tree in an airy, dry location. To keep the Christmas trees looking stunning, ensure the tree stand’s water is constantly full. It is possible to fill the water twice or thrice in the first couple of days.

Editor’s Tips: Water capacity is the stand attribute that can make or break your tree. (If the tree’s stump gets cut, it will dry it won’t be able to soak up water.) Make sure you have a stand that will hold at least one gallon.

Chisholm is also adamant about giving the tree an easy blow using the leaf blower ($150, Ace Hardware) to get rid of “any loose needles, debris wedged in the branches and, most importantly, remove any insects or egg masses that might have survived the journey.”

These suggestions will extend the time your Christmas tree lasts. The tree should last approximately 4-6 weeks if you take good maintenance.

Recycle Your Live Christmas Tree

“After Christmas, you’ll need to dispose of the family tree. There are many recycling programs all over the country that account for the recycling of 93% of all trees nationally,” Chisholm says. Chisholm. “Most get ground into mulch to be given back to the community or used in flower beds and parks. Other communities have extensive erosion programs that exploit this biodegradable resource.”