Aldi rocking chair
I first saw him on Instagram. Firm, supportive, and perhaps prematurely gray? It doesn’t matter.
I’m talking about the Aldi Special Buy Rocking Chair, of course. You may remember that the $199 upholstered Rocker was first available in July last year and sold out within minutes.
It was a hit with mothers who were bleary-eyed and eager to find a way to comfort their sick child or hungry baby. It was on sale on Wednesday. It sold out in minutes, and the chairs appeared on Gumtree at $300, $400, and $500.
The Special Buy rocking chairs were not on my radar in July when I was in the throes of new-parent fatigue. But now, they are definitely on it.
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I’d gotten through eight months of night, day, cluster, and baby-help-me-clear-this-blocked-milk-duct feeds without a rocking chair. You can breastfeed with or without a rocking chair. It’s best to have the baby in the living area, where there are plenty of water bottles, couches, cushions, and Netflix, and you can easily access them.
I was exhausted, perched on my old, hard-to-find, vintage velvet footstool and dining chair. I needed to find something more comfortable for both of us.
You can choose from a wide variety of nursing chairs. For a classic, grey, upholstered beauty like the one pictured in ALDI’s catalog, which costs $199, it would cost you at least $500 and up to $1700. You can understand why Aldi’s rocking chairs were getting better as the wait times increased.I called a friend that knows the ins and outs of Aldi Special Buy. She offered me a rocking chair from her local because divide and conquer was one of the keys to Aldi Special Buy’s success. She also told me what to do and when to arrive.
I asked my mother-in-law to help me with the baby, and put on my running shoes, tights, and a jacket, just in case the scene was similar to the Boxing Day Sales of the 1990s. We lined up for our local Aldi one hour before they opened.
Dean was the hero for the day. Dean was the first person in line, and we were the second. (We had gone for a coffee while only the cleaner was present). Dean had been on a reconnaissance mission and found out that there were 25 chairs in this room! We were safe. Dean, a true hero in this case, strapped the chair to his ute to bring it home after telling him I would call a cab at 8.40 am for delivery.
We waited as more people joined the line, which was enjoyable. The rocking chair community was robust. There were many mothers, including a new mother with a four-month-old baby strapped on her chest. Also present were grandmothers, fathers, and granddads who helped out.
No one could stop me from getting my chair.
The manager arrived about five minutes before the doors opened. He told us where chairs were stored (back of the store) and where we could find more (side door) and warned us that there should be no pushing, shoveling, shouting, or fighting. Noted.
Then we were in. My mother-in-law kept my baby occupied in the pram while I followed Dean, speeding along with my shopping trolley. He hefted a chair in for himself, another for me, and a third for the mom with the baby in her carrier. Success! It’s time to go!
What I learned from my Aldi exceptional buy experience
Know your location
Do a survey the night before. Ask the staff at the store how many products they think there are.
Arrive early
It is best to arrive at least an hour before the store opens.
Bring your provisions
If you are not a supermum with your baby in a carrier, you’ll need someone to feed and take him on a stroll.
Prepare your trolley
You’ll need either $1 or an Aldi token to free it. Putting something so significant as a rocking chair in the trolley takes work. If a latecomer appears to be trying to cut in between you and the Supermum (third arrival), you can use your soccer defender skills and gently edge them out.
Consider how you will transport your large purchases home.
People were either unpacking their boxes or carrying chairs on the street.
Believe in the goodness of strangers
Thank you, Dean. Congratulations on becoming a grandparent again.
Amy Noonan, a former journalist who is currently a communications manager, is on maternity leave with her son. She enjoys dogs, the beach, and broccoli. Her conversations can go off on a million tangents.
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Many of us would love to see these once-in-a-lifetime experiences on television.
Khanh Ong’s passion for wild foods and unique experiences is deep. We can now enjoy it in the comfort of home, thanks to SBS Food’s new show, Khanh One’s Wild Food.
Khanh told Mamia that it was “a dream coming true” since his passions have always been travel, meeting new people, and learning about cuisine. Khanh was thrilled to have the chance to film all of this and meet new people.
Khanh’s new series will surely please viewers with its infectious smile, down-to-earth nature, and wicked sense of humor.
What is KhanhOng’s Wild Food all about?
Adventure, food, and good old charisma are all rolled into one brilliant show.
From the rugged West Coast in Tasmania to the remote Billabongs of Arnhem, Khang One’s Wild Food, an exciting SBS Food series, combines wild foods, thrill-seeking adventures, and a touch of glamour.
The one and only Khanh explores what Australia has to offer. From different foods, cultures, and tastes to unique techniques, this new show is a journey with the Khanh. The show also features incredible guests sharing their stories, tips, and tricks.